Are you sure you want to cancel your registration?
Cancelling your registration will remove your access to the event. If you proceed, you will no longer be able to participate or access event-related materials.
Are you sure you want to delete account?
Deleting your account will remove your access to the event.
The 2024 CelCo conference is subject to the following terms and conditions:
A. Registration Process and Payment Methods
Registrants will be able to select the early bird fee up until 12:00 GMT August 31, 2024. If payment has not been received by 12:00 GMT August 31, 2024, registrants will be charged the standard fees.
Conference registrations will not be confirmed until the completed form and the correct payment is received and processed by the Registration Office.
CelCo cannot be responsible for your spam filters blocking your confirmation email. Please be sure your spam filters will allow mail from and the conference coordinator.
The Webinar fees include the following: Participation in the “live presentations” and Q&A, previous day welcome cocktail, seated lunch and coffee breaks, and presentation slides to be sent latest 15 days after the event.
B. Cancellation Policy
Conference registration can be cancelled only in writing to CelCo Conference Registration Office Cellulose Conseil sarl, 30 Rue d’ Orleans-Neuilly/seine 92200-France.
- Before September 15, 2024, will be entitled to a 100% refund.
- Before October 15, 2024, will be entitled to a 50% refund.
- After October 15, 2024, will not be entitled to a refund.
Substitutions may be made at any time. If you wish to substitute a participant, please contact the Conference Registration Office at the earliest opportunity.
All refunds will be made within two months after the Conference.
C. Force Majeure
National lockdown or regional tier restrictions leading to venue closure: The registrant can choose one of the following three options:
Option 1: Get all presentations.
Option 2: Cancel reservation and get reimbursed 70% of the registration fees within two months after the Conference.
Option 3: Keep conference credit for the following year's event.
Each party shall be excused from the performance of its obligations under this Agreement to the extent that such party is prevented from performing any such obligation in whole or in part, as a result of delays caused by the other party, an act of God, war, civil disturbance, terrorism, court order, labor dispute, Covid-19 resurgence (other than one between a party and its staff), third-party non-performance, or other cause whether similar or dissimilar beyond that party's reasonable control, including without limitation, failures or fluctuations in electrical power, heat, light, air-conditioning, or telecommunications equipment. The party concerned shall use all reasonable endeavors to resume full performance in the event of any such delay.
If the cause of such non-performance referred to in the clause above persists throughout the period when the Conference is due to take place or if, in the opinion of the Company, holding the Conference will not be practicable due to such cause, either party may, by service of written notice to that effect upon the other party, terminate this Agreement, and 50% of the fees will be refunded within two months after the conference due date.
D. Conference Program
The conference program is subject to change at any time.
E. Participation and Behavior
Attendance and participation at the Investing in Cellulose 2024 conference are limited exclusively to fully registered delegates.
Conference delegates are expected to behave professionally. Celco is committed to compliance with competition law. Whilst presentations and discussions at our conference can cover matters of interest to our industry, we cannot discuss or exchange sensitive commercial information. If, in the reasonable opinion of the Chair, a discussion or presentation may breach competition law, those participating will be given due warning and, if these warnings are ignored, will be asked to leave. If at any time during the conference you think any presentation or discussion may be in breach of the competition rules, please inform the Chair. The Chair may close the conference at any time if he believes that discussions are in breach of the competition rules.
F. Personal Information
Please note that participant contact details will be kept on the CelCo database, which will only be used by CelCo.
Unless the Registration Office has received an explicit request from the registrant disallowing sharing his/her contact information (through the Registration Form), a list of all attendees, their affiliation institutions, and e-mail addresses will be included in the delegate packs.
The e-mail addresses will also be used to circulate last-minute details and announcements of future Celco events.
If you would like your record to be deleted after the conference, please notify CelCo by email ( or in writing to the CelCo Registration Office.